

I'm not sure how or why this conversation developed, but looking back it's kind of hilarious.

Kurt Hilmerson says:
it felt like fall when i got home yesterday - i love fall
Rebecca Shaffer says:
the weather? Yea, it was a bit chilly and windy. My favorite weather is honestly like 65 degrees and super windy
Kurt Hilmerson says:
super windy? really?
Rebecca Shaffer says:
Kurt Hilmerson says:
so what about super windy to you love? the sound of the wind in the trees?
Rebecca Shaffer says:
wind in my face wind in my hair, i guess the sound adds a lot too.
Kurt Hilmerson says:
nice - you would have loved my grandparents old farm just before a storm - the wind would come down the valley and blow through all the woods behind their house - i wish socal had more weather
Rebecca Shaffer says:
I like sticking my head out the window on the freeway. or my hand and pretending it's a hang glider
Kurt Hilmerson says:
yea :)


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