Simply AWESOME!! Conan O'Brien did a kick-ass job at the Gibson. He sang, dressed up in ridiculous costumes and had a ton of rad surprise guests. The masturbating bear, Triumph, Andy, La Bamba, and a few other regulars from the show were there to add to the fun. Jim Carrey even showed up dressed as Superman and sang a song with Conan! A few more TV and Moviestars came out for a Walker, Texas Ranger bit. Angel and I enjoyed 3 hours of nonstop laughter =).
350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere.
Accelerating arctic warming and other early climate impacts have led scientists to conclude that we are already above the safe zone at our current 390ppm, and that unless we are able to rapidly return to 350 ppm this century, we risk reaching tipping points and irreversible impacts such as the melting of the Greenland ice sheet and major methane releases from increased permafrost melt.
There are three numbers you need to really understand global warming, 275, 390, and 350.
For all of human history until about 200 years ago, our atmosphere contained 275 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Parts per million is simply a way of measuring the concentration of different gases, and means the ratio of the number of carbon dioxide molecules to all of the molecules in the atmosphere. 275 ppm CO2 is a useful amount—without some CO2 and other greenhouse gases that trap heat in our atmosphere, our planet would be too cold for humans to inhabit.
There's children on the street using guns and knives Taking drugs and each other's lives Killing each other with knives and forks Calling each other names like 'dork' There's people on the street getting diseases from monkeys Yeah, that's what I said - they're getting diseases from monkeys Now there's junkies with monkey disease Who's touching these monkeys, please Leave these poor sick monkeys alone They've got problems enough as it is. Man's lying on the street Some punk's chopped off his head I'm the only one who stops To see if he's dead Mmm... Turns out he's dead. And that's why I'm singing What...what is wrong with the world today? What is wrong with the world today? (Jemaine mumbles) What...what is wrong with the world today? You gotta think about it Think think about it. Good cops been framed and put into a can. All the money that we're making is going to the man. What man? Which man? Who's the man? When's a man a man? What makes a man a man? Am I a man? Yes. Technically I am. They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers. But what's the real cost? 'Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper. Why are we still paying so much for sneakers When you got them made by little slave kids What are your overheads? Well, at the end of your life, you're lucky if you die, Sometimes I wonder why we even try. I saw a man lying on the street half dead With knives and forks sticking out of his leg. And he said, "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow Can somebody get that knife and fork out of my leg, please? Can somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees?" And then we break it down. This is where we break it down Ooh This is where we break it down Aah This is where we do the whoa-o-o-o Break it down This is where we build it up now We build it up now We build it up now We build it up now We build it up now Build it up And then we stop
I attended my first class of the year finally, and as expected it was wonderful. I went to a lot of Veronica's classes last year when she was teaching out of her home. Now she has Studio Space! Veronica is an amazing dancer, and a really good teacher, encouraging, patient, and positive. Classes are on Monday nights from 7:30-8:30pm in Fountain Valley. It's $15 for a walk-in, and $55 to pay by the month. Starting on May 3rd, she'll be starting new beginner classes. Check her website for more info:
Beach Cities Stars Dance Studio 18956 Brookhurst Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Proper Belly Dance Attire: -Hair pulled back, off neck and shoulders. -Form-fitting dance pants or yoga pants. Harem pants are ok, too. Please no skirts. -Form-fitting top, able to roll up to reveal belly (a choli top or dance bra is good too) -Bare feet, ballet slippers, jazz shoes, foot undies, or any other soft soled dance footwear is acceptable. Please no street shoes.
If you've ever thought about taking classes, you should check this out! Ask me about it and we can go together. It's not only fun and girly, it's also a great workout!
This year I had the most amazingly wonderful birthday. Angel and I went up to Big Bear for a couple of days to snowboard and relax. The sliding was perfect. Soft, 3 day old snow, sunny and gorgeous weather. (down below it was cloudy and raining off and on allll day =). That night we went to the most perfect Indian & Nepalese Restaurant right in old town Big Bear Lake. The Himalayan is Great!! Angel even spotted a moviestar... (I would have never known that dude at the next table was Jon Cryer, lol).
Our room was a private little cabin- with a Jacuzzi! It was a great place, I recommend the Frontier to anyone who's looking to stay the night up there. We woke up around 7am to a beautiful sight, light falling snow. Angel said he's never seen snow fall before, so we went outside in our snow gear and played around for a bit. Simply perfect. Here are some shots I took while Angel was getting his boots on.
Ever since I can remember my mom has played The Beatles for me. She had their records when I was young, and the only radio station I remember is K-Earth, which played a ton of their songs. In addition, she would always be singing along (whether we liked it or not!). Well, mom's influence on my was not lost. My presets in the truck are KLOS, K-Earth, JackFM, Star and the Sound. I don't even know any modern music anymore.... The Beatles have always had a special place in my heart.
Aaaannnyway... Ever since I've know Angel it was clear that he is a wild Beatles fanatic. He knows more about them than my own mother, who, to be clear, used to sport a Beatles mop haircut in the 60's. So when we heard that Paul was coming to the Hollywood Bowl, we were both pretty excited. I looked up ticket prices and saw that the cheapest seats were going for something around $200, since he sold out almost instantaneously. We decided we couldn't afford it and went about with our lives.
Well, I simply couldn't let this opportunity pass us (especially Angel) by. I kept searching online for tickets that I could afford and finally bought a pair up in one of the upper sections. I didn't tell Angel about it for about a month (damn it's hard keeping a secret that AWESOME!). But I know how he works and decided that I'd have to tell him so he could go through the routines and rituals of listening to songs and generally getting as excited as I'd been for the last month in private. I swear I saw a tear the night I put on the Paul McCartney Live in New York DVD. I told him, "We're not going to New York, and I don't know if he'll play the same songs for us....." He said, "No.. We're not going to see Paul McCartney are we??!??". "Yea, bub, we are =)."
The concert was simply beautiful. The Bowl sound is always amazing, but this was different. We were in the presence of greatness. Hands down the best show I've ever seen, and I'm sure the same goes for Angel. Paul played for over 3 1/2 hours, Beatles tunes, Wings songs and some of his newer stuff. It was absolutely fantastic. My mother was extremely jealous, but totally excited for us. All of Angel's aunts felt the same way. I think we won that night =)