
Food Revolution!

Jamie Oliver has a new show called Food Revolution.

Jamie has already revolutionalized school lunches in Great Britain and he's on a mission now to get the U.S. on board. Children of this generation will officially live shorter lives than their parents due to childhood obesity.... this will lead to adult onset diabetes, heart disease and worse. While this is just a television show, it is also extremely important and a great first step in getting our fat asses back on track. Check out the show on ABC, Fridays at 8pm.

Also, go to Jamie's website to sign the petition to change food in this country!

Here's the Premise: The American Food Revolution needs to start now! If you care about your country and the health of its children please help us make a difference. We need your support to get people back in touch with food and keep cooking skills alive before it's too late. We want to make sure every kid gets good, fresh food at school. It's proven that real food promotes more effective learning. If you want better health for your kids the junk food must go.

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