Never partied here before... *slightly* different from life on the strip!! We stayed at the Golden Nugget for Ryan and Anna's wedding, and hardly left the place.. The Nugget has a kick ass pool with a shark tank and water slide going right through it, very fun. It also has it's own night club, properly named 'Gold Diggers'. We danced there for a while with the wedding party and a bunch of guests and relatives from the wedding, practically filled the place up!
Anyways, Stacey and I went on a quest to find my ghetto plastic visor and ended up in a gift shop waiting in line behind *heh-hem* STEVEN TYLER!!!! At first I made some rude comment about him spending $100 in a downtown gift shop, all the while looking at his tight ass loud pants.. Stacey's better with celebrity faces than me, and pointed out who he really was. deep breath.. So we followed him and his pals (and bodyguard) and begged for a picture. Nice guy, took one even though it could possibly start a riot and draw a crowd. YESSSS!!! Stacey you're the shit, thanks for having your camera handy, some photographer I am..

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