Ryan & Anna's Wedding!
I was honored to be the photographer for Ryan & Anna's big day in Vegas this past weekend. Not only was Anna the most gorgeous bride, but the wedding and reception were just as beautiful! Thanks guys, for allowing me to be a part of your special day :) Here's one of my favorites from the day, and I'm posting some more at rgsphotos.

Downtown Vegas

Never partied here before... *slightly* different from life on the strip!! We stayed at the Golden Nugget for Ryan and Anna's wedding, and hardly left the place.. The Nugget has a kick ass pool with a shark tank and water slide going right through it, very fun. It also has it's own night club, properly named 'Gold Diggers'. We danced there for a while with the wedding party and a bunch of guests and relatives from the wedding, practically filled the place up!
Anyways, Stacey and I went on a quest to find my ghetto plastic visor and ended up in a gift shop waiting in line behind *heh-hem* STEVEN TYLER!!!! At first I made some rude comment about him spending $100 in a downtown gift shop, all the while looking at his tight ass loud pants.. Stacey's better with celebrity faces than me, and pointed out who he really was. deep breath.. So we followed him and his pals (and bodyguard) and begged for a picture. Nice guy, took one even though it could possibly start a riot and draw a crowd. YESSSS!!! Stacey you're the shit, thanks for having your camera handy, some photographer I am..

Warning, this could piss you off... Just the facts.
I became a vegetarian primarily because I have a soft spot in my heart for animals. I believe that most mass produced beef, pork, chicken and even fish is a direct result of animal cruelty. From what they are fed, to the hormones they are injected with to their terrible living conditions.. It makes me sad and sick to my stomach. I can live my life free from the guilt that most non-vegetarians never even notice - because they have never stopped to look at the facts. I just want people to be informed, I'm not trying to switch anyone over. However, I do tend to have more respect for a person who can respect all living, breathing things.
I did some research the other day and found that being a vegetarian comes with many more perks than I ever imagined. I'm not even gonna go into animal cruelty here, that's a given, and researching that on your own should suffice. Health is number one. But it also comes down to the destruction of our environment, the money we could save, and the humans we could save from starvation. If every American cut back on even 2 meals a week containing meat, many of the world's problems could be solved. We were brought up this way, it's not our fault, we say... but we can also make better choices as adults. Arm yourself with the facts. You'll feel better about yourself.
Some statistics
Over a billion cattle populate the earth, with a combined weight greater than the entire human population. They are sustained unnaturally in these numbers to satisfy demand for their flesh. They are a primary cause for the destruction of the environment. Beef cattle return only 1 pound of meat for every 16 pounds of grain and soybeans they are fed, causing huge inefficiencies in food utilization, while millions of people go hungry.
Animal-based diets are high in saturated fat, excessive protein and cholesterol, leading to heart disease and stroke, nearly 50% of all deaths in the U.S.
It takes about 2,500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of meat. According to Newsweek, "The water that goes into a 1,000 pound steer could float a destroyer." In contrast, it takes only 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat.
The world's cattle alone (not including other livestock) consume food enough for 8.7 billion people. Over a hundred million of tons of grain go to animals while only 5 million tons of grain could adequately feed the 15 million children throughout the world who starve to death every year. By feeding grain to livestock, we lose 90% of the protein, 96% of the calories, 99% of its carbohydrates, and 100% of the fiber.
A meat-eating American needs 3-1/4 acres of cultivated farm land per year; vegetarians only require 1/6 acre per year.
Meat contains no essential nutrients that cannot be obtained in higher quality directly from plant sources.
Meat would cost over $35/lb. if the water used by the meat industry were not subsidized by the U.S. government. Livestock production accounts for twice the pollution of industrial sources in the U.S.
Trees are being cut at an alarming rate to clear land for meat production. If tomorrow people in the U.S. switched to vegetarian,, 200 million acres could be returned to forest.
Meat-centered diets are linked to many kinds of cancer, such as cancer of the colon, breast, cervix, uterus, ovary, prostate, and lung.
U.S. livestock produces 20 times the excrement of the human population.Their waste no longer serves to fertilize pastures a little at a time, since they spend much or all of their lives in factory sheds or feedlots. Wastes are often simply flushed away dangerously raising ammonia and nitrate levels in our drinking water. Going vegetarian helps to clean up our nation's water more than any other single action.
On a calorie basis, spinach has 14 times the iron of sirloin steak. Animal products are deficient in vitamin C which is needed for iron absorption, .
Cattle are responsible for 12% of the methane emissions. Methane contributes to global warming by trapping 25 times more solar heat than carbon dioxide.
Cattle grazing destroyed most of the lush ecosystems in North America. Grazing is the primary cause for the loss or endangerment of plant species in the U.S.
Factory-farmed animals have as much as 30 TIMES more saturated fat than yesterday's free-range, pasture-raised animals.
Meat contains about 14 times more pesticides than plant foods; dairy products more than 5-1/2 times.
A vegetarian diet helps prevent diabetes, often relieves the symptoms, and can even eliminate the need insulin treatments.
Agricultural engineers discovered that the energy costs of producing poultry, pork and other meats was over 10 times that of any plant food.
Nearly all toxic chemical residues in the American diet (95% to 99%) come from animal sources.
Our dwindling water supply is directly tied to meat consumption. Over half of the water in the U.S. irrigates land for livestock feed and fodder.
An acre cultivated in spinach yields 26 times more protein than it does for beef.
Demand for ocean fish contributes to over 200,000 deaths of marine mammals and birds caught in fishing nets every year.
To help end the controversy over whether humans are carnivores, consider that it is not common for a person to stalk a wild animal, catch it by sinking claws into its body, bite its neck, and feel comfort in the taste of fresh warm blood and uncooked flesh. Human beings have no sharp needle-like teeth to puncture flesh as do carnivores; humans have flat back teeth to grind (plant) food unlike carnivores.
I did some research the other day and found that being a vegetarian comes with many more perks than I ever imagined. I'm not even gonna go into animal cruelty here, that's a given, and researching that on your own should suffice. Health is number one. But it also comes down to the destruction of our environment, the money we could save, and the humans we could save from starvation. If every American cut back on even 2 meals a week containing meat, many of the world's problems could be solved. We were brought up this way, it's not our fault, we say... but we can also make better choices as adults. Arm yourself with the facts. You'll feel better about yourself.
Some statistics
Over a billion cattle populate the earth, with a combined weight greater than the entire human population. They are sustained unnaturally in these numbers to satisfy demand for their flesh. They are a primary cause for the destruction of the environment. Beef cattle return only 1 pound of meat for every 16 pounds of grain and soybeans they are fed, causing huge inefficiencies in food utilization, while millions of people go hungry.
Animal-based diets are high in saturated fat, excessive protein and cholesterol, leading to heart disease and stroke, nearly 50% of all deaths in the U.S.
It takes about 2,500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of meat. According to Newsweek, "The water that goes into a 1,000 pound steer could float a destroyer." In contrast, it takes only 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat.
The world's cattle alone (not including other livestock) consume food enough for 8.7 billion people. Over a hundred million of tons of grain go to animals while only 5 million tons of grain could adequately feed the 15 million children throughout the world who starve to death every year. By feeding grain to livestock, we lose 90% of the protein, 96% of the calories, 99% of its carbohydrates, and 100% of the fiber.
A meat-eating American needs 3-1/4 acres of cultivated farm land per year; vegetarians only require 1/6 acre per year.
Meat contains no essential nutrients that cannot be obtained in higher quality directly from plant sources.
Meat would cost over $35/lb. if the water used by the meat industry were not subsidized by the U.S. government. Livestock production accounts for twice the pollution of industrial sources in the U.S.
Trees are being cut at an alarming rate to clear land for meat production. If tomorrow people in the U.S. switched to vegetarian,, 200 million acres could be returned to forest.
Meat-centered diets are linked to many kinds of cancer, such as cancer of the colon, breast, cervix, uterus, ovary, prostate, and lung.
U.S. livestock produces 20 times the excrement of the human population.Their waste no longer serves to fertilize pastures a little at a time, since they spend much or all of their lives in factory sheds or feedlots. Wastes are often simply flushed away dangerously raising ammonia and nitrate levels in our drinking water. Going vegetarian helps to clean up our nation's water more than any other single action.
On a calorie basis, spinach has 14 times the iron of sirloin steak. Animal products are deficient in vitamin C which is needed for iron absorption, .
Cattle are responsible for 12% of the methane emissions. Methane contributes to global warming by trapping 25 times more solar heat than carbon dioxide.
Cattle grazing destroyed most of the lush ecosystems in North America. Grazing is the primary cause for the loss or endangerment of plant species in the U.S.
Factory-farmed animals have as much as 30 TIMES more saturated fat than yesterday's free-range, pasture-raised animals.
Meat contains about 14 times more pesticides than plant foods; dairy products more than 5-1/2 times.
A vegetarian diet helps prevent diabetes, often relieves the symptoms, and can even eliminate the need insulin treatments.
Agricultural engineers discovered that the energy costs of producing poultry, pork and other meats was over 10 times that of any plant food.
Nearly all toxic chemical residues in the American diet (95% to 99%) come from animal sources.
Our dwindling water supply is directly tied to meat consumption. Over half of the water in the U.S. irrigates land for livestock feed and fodder.
An acre cultivated in spinach yields 26 times more protein than it does for beef.
Demand for ocean fish contributes to over 200,000 deaths of marine mammals and birds caught in fishing nets every year.
To help end the controversy over whether humans are carnivores, consider that it is not common for a person to stalk a wild animal, catch it by sinking claws into its body, bite its neck, and feel comfort in the taste of fresh warm blood and uncooked flesh. Human beings have no sharp needle-like teeth to puncture flesh as do carnivores; humans have flat back teeth to grind (plant) food unlike carnivores.
animal rights,
local farms,
17 miles, 8 hours, just me

Mt. San Gorgonio has it in for me. I want to make it to the top, but I've been twice denied. This time I came within 2 miles of the peak before the thunder and lightning became too much for me to psychologically overcome on my own. There are apparently storms like this pretty often, and they pass quickly, however.. I was alone on the mountain, 8 miles in, watching lightning strikes elsewhere on the mountain, and wildfires were running through my mind. I simply don't think I could outrun one of those... I will try again, mark my word. I will climb the tallest mountain in Southern California.
The Friendship that can cease has never been Real
It's amazing to me how friendships can stand the test of time. My best friends are those I met in Elementary School or Jr. HIGH (Christine, Beth, Emily, Stacey, Mariko)... I talk to exactly ONE of my college pals, barely. I have ONE solid friend from the time I did at disney. (love you Henry) ONE solid friend from my time at lifetouch. (Mandy, you're the shit). ... .. and I don't miss anyone else. I've kept those close who matter to me, and the rest have faded away.
Does it matter to anyone else? nahh... just what went through my mind this afternoon.
Does it matter to anyone else? nahh... just what went through my mind this afternoon.
Palm Springs Girls Weekend!!!

Whoa... Happy Birthday Stace, who knew we still had it in us?? We chose the Riviera Resort and Spa in Downtown Palm Springs... for the pool and the nightlife. We got everything we dreamed of and more! When we checked in we got a complimentary upgrade to a suite :). Then we got a sweet deal on a Cabana by the pool.. then we drank and drank and drank and drank some more. (thanks box o' wine). The pool was awesome, and the cabana was awesome-er. It was somewhere around 112 degrees and we needed the shade and misters, for real, especially hungover as we were!.
The Cabana Boy, Dom, turned out to be a delight, giving us advice on restaurants and nightlife. We even ended up meeting him for drinks and dancing the night away. Dinks was a great spot for dinner, and had a good DJ spinning, but nobody was dancing so we hit up The Village Pub. 2 thumbs up for the live band and fun atmosphere! All in all, great weekend, however, I am once again giving up the booze. It's sooo not good for me, and not worth the price I pay the day after.

I need to do this more often. There is absolutely nothing that compares to being 7 miles (on foot) away from anything resembling reality. The serene quiet of the forest puts a simple, happy feeling in my heart and clears my mind. There are more stars than you can imagine when you get away from distracting city lights. Animals playing become the most fascinating thing, you forget all about television and movies and technology. The rushing water of a simple stream is enchanting, and a necessity if you want to survive out there. Mac and Cheese is a meal fit for a king after a long day of hiking with a 40 lb pack on your shoulders. The pitter patter of rainfall on your tent is soothing, like a lullaby in the dark of night. Imagination takes over and Rock throwing for accuracy eats up your time. Mt. San Gorgonio called my name and I responded. Angel was a trooper, joining me for 3 days and 2 nights in the wilderness :). I know a lot of people who couldn't hack it out there, and I'm glad he was up to the challenge!
San Gorgonio
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