I'm not as nimble as I'd like to think anymore... Went rollerblading the other day and lost control on a downhill street on my way to the beach. I tried to turn, then spin around to slow myself down, but my skates slipped out from under me and I fell - flat on my face, stomach and left arm. Turns out I most likely sprained my wrist, as I can't really move it without pain. In my defense, the street was newly paved and pretty slick. However, I forgot to wear the wrist guards that I swear by when I snowboard. So I suppose I had it coming.
It's just kind of a bummer, cuz you never realize how much you use a body part until you can't anymore. I can't even tie my shoe without a struggle. Bringing groceries upstairs was quite an ordeal today... Most of all I think I'm embarrassed that I hurt myself doing something douchy! Of all the cool, adventurous things I do on a regular basis, I had to hurt myself ROLLERBLADING. Boooooooooooooooo!