Why? I like the taste of meat, the smell, the full feeling. I don't think that it's wrong to eat animals - given that they were able to live a full and happy life. That's all i would ask you to grant any human, so why not give that same courtesy to a harmless animal? I don't agree with caging up any animal, forcing it to live in cramped quarters, feeding it sub-par grains rather than natural foods, etc.. My heart hurts when i drive past farms with sick cows staggering around helplessly. I just want to save them from their existence. They deserve to roam free. So do pigs, so do chickens, so do fish.
If one is out in the wilderness, lost and beginning to starve, i see no fault in killing and eating an animal. It is then a necessary action, a survival thing! (in addition to the fact that this animal probably lived a sweet life:)
It has taken me a few years to finally give up eating meat. It takes a lot of willpower and self control, but after a while you don't even miss it. Other foods just seem more appealing now to me. I have gone from being a plain meat and bread kind of girl to a try anything (except meat) vegetable lover. I feel better about my choices. This day will be my last day eating fish. Many of you know that this is what i love the most, so it will be difficult for me. But I can't be a half-assed 'pescetarian' anymore. It's official folks, Becky's done with meat forever.