Stacey and I took a drive up PCH yesterday (thanks MLK) and ended up in Santa Barbara. We took a little tour of La Conchita along the way. Pretty sad, the homes are still buried, with crosses marking the spots where there may or may not be bodies. There is a simple chain link fence around the mountain of debris. It kinda made us sick to think about it...
We had lunch on the wharf in Santa Barbara, then drove back down PCH and climbed this mountain of sand just before sunset. sooo, THIS is why i live here! I've been trying to figure that out for quite some time. The beaches, the mountains, the gorgeous deserts. heh.
Who'd have thought that Malibu had so much to offer?! Stacey, Kevin and I went on a five mile hike yesterday... whew. We decided that next time we'd find a way to arrange for some cold beers at the top and then build our own zipline back to Kevin's roof.
new year's eve. it was fun, but also a lot like any other night. nothing special. maybe i shouldn't have such high expectations! we drank, we danced, we cheered at midnight. i talked for 2 hours with a guy whom i'm pretty sure is gay. then we went to del taco and ate crap. i'll admit that i'm glad it's a new year. 2006 was a rough one for me, but i think all of those changes were for the best. forward HO!
A couple of nights before new year's was by far the better night. It's great when the unexpected suddenly lands in your lap. you're not even looking and it just sneaks up and sparks an 80's dance battle. I had the best time on Friday! really hope to hang out with him again, cuz all i can imagine is an even better time in round two. It's funny, but at the beginning of the night I would never have imagined it ending the way it did. But as i look back, no other ending would have suited us better. He's really funny, with a personality to match, but also a deeper side to him - very intriguing. (something about Madagascar) oh, and he's kind of gorgeous...