
Soon to be.... EMT!

It was only 3 weeks long... but the most crazy intense immersion program I could have imagined. I have been eating, sleeping and breathing nothing but basic life support and I wouldn't have it any other way! Literally, since I finished I have dreamt about saving people's lives every single night. I met a lot of really great people in my short time there, and I intend to grow those friendships as I make my way through this insane career path.

I learned so much more than I ever thought I would, and this is only the beginning! Everywhere I go, I see potential to save a life. I know why the body reacts to things, I know how major disease affects us, I know how to keep someone alive if they suffer an accident or heart attack or diabetic coma. I can stop bleeding, splint an extremity, deliver a baby (if I HAVE to)... I can breathe for someone, keep their heart pumping blood, treat for shock, I can triage, I'm prepared for mass casualty, this is just madness. The body is an AMAZING thing, yet so incredibly fragile.

I have a ride along scheduled for this Sunday, actually with one of my instructors, so hopefully I'll really get some hands on action. I'm doing my ER hospital shift next week as well. Then I take my National Registry Exam, then get Certified in LA County.. and THEN I can get a job. I am looking forward to so much!! It can only get better from here. I can't wait to save my first life. I realize I'll be taking the bad with the good, but I know that the positive experiences will FAR outweigh anything traumatic. I'll see some things that I'd never wish upon anyone else... but I'll also see some things that I will cherish forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah! i'm so happy for you and totally agree with you! I felt the same way when i took my classes in dental school- the body is truly an amazing vessel! Good luck on your ride along. And i'm definitely calling you if I ever go into labor in my bathtub! Hahahaha!

luv, guess who???