
Reno or Bust!

The Lounge downstairs
Our awesome corner room had a great view of downtown Reno!
Reno from the Virginia Mountains
Virginia City Rocks!

Random river we found before the rainstorm started
My love <3

View from above Mono Lake
The Sierras, my other love!

Pretty much the best work trip EVER!! They sent me to Reno, and I recruited Angel to come along. Turns out they put me up in a great Casino Resort, so Angel could chill, go to the gym, the pool etc. while I worked. Annnnd I got off a day early so we could take our time driving home down the 395. This is the most gorgeous highway ever, going past Lake Tahoe, the Eastern Sierras, Mammoth, Mono Lake, Bishop and Manzanar. We made the 8 hour drive into a 14 hour one, stopping in Virginia City, NV for a few hours. This town is awesome! Like an old west film =). Greatest road trip ever with my bub!


4th of July in Wrightwood

Dad & I went up to Wrightwood, CA for the 4th. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm (while clouds covered the valley below). They had a cute little parade and pie eating contest, lots of fun stuff... including Bed Racing. Check out the video. It's not as easy as it sounds!


Rowdy (aka DJ)

He's getting bigger, and less rowdy... I guess I'll save that name for the dog Angel and I will get someday!